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The TST-geo offers natural, effective protection against all forms or geopathic and artificial, electromagnetic radiation. It is based on a new Hungarian scientific discovery that uses the natural energy of torsion fields to counter the harmful effects of radiation.

There are few known ways to eliminate the harmful effects of terrestrial geopathic radiation. The most common method until now has been to use the mental strentgh of a specialist - but now the TST-geo offers a simpler, more effective means. If you suffer from geopathic stress, just place the TST-geo under your bed to sleep better.

It can also help you prevent illness resulting from exposure to Hartman lines and other radiation lines and it even practically completely neutralizes the effects of electrosmog from cellphones, relay antennae and wifi.

The TST-GEO is equipped with a newly invented resonator, which works in a special, four-pole electric system. This corrects the distorted or untuned resonances in your immediate environment, which can be harmful to health, and retunes them to the optimal, natural frequencies that are essential for good health, effectively restoring a beneficial terrestrial electromagnetic environment. Among all the devices in the world used against earth radiation only the TsT-GEO operates on the basis of this efficient principle.

The geo-biological resonances of the Earth are the harmonizing, nourishing sources of global life. When this resonance formula gets deformed, it becomes harmful to health. In a 3 to 5 meter radius of operation of the TST-GEO, geo-biological resonances become retuned and a formerly harmful zone regains its ability to provide nourishing resonances. Thus not only are problems caused by harmful earth radiation eliminated, the proper cosmic connection of the organism is also restored.